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2012-3-8 9:29:02
Pads 9.4 发布...


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新闻中心 News Center
Pads 9.4 发布
来源:本站原创  时间:2012-3-8 9:29:02 

           近日,MentorGraphics Pads9.4正式发布。


       ·         Associated Net support

·         New DFM Analysis based on Valor technology
·         ODB++ Inside and CAM Compare
·         Advanced licensing controls
·         Follow Route
·         New 2D line styles and snap controls
·         Find filter in PADS Router
·         And more…
        Expedition系列的DxDesigner 7.9.3 现在也支持PADS, 支持的版本是PADS 9.4。于此同时,Pads的选件DFMA现在也可以开始购买了。


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